Sunday, April 13, 2014

My name is Sandra. In this blog I will be explaining why New York City response to hurricane Sandy was insufficient. It turned out to be a devastating tragedy. New York City faced a lot of challenges and setbacks because there was too much flooding. A lot of places was shut down and they had trouble with evacuations because of their inability to begin with their emergency plans before the storm hit. In Sandy Story line interviews Cassel says "Howard beach had never seen a flood in a hundred years. I was unable to get back in to the area. The car I left there was destroyed and I had to redo all my electrical wiring"(Stuck in the system). Basically Cassel is saying the impact of the storm left many people including himself in a devastating tragedy which indicates it caused suffering, distress and the city was highly destructive. It is very important to take immediate actions in these types of situations because it can reduce the amount of challenges you face in the aftermath of a disastrous storm.

Monday, April 7, 2014

I don't believe New York's response to Hurricane Sandy was adequate because the storm appeared on October 22 and they didn't begin with emergency plans until the 28th, leaving people hopeless. In the chapter Blanking The Beach they mention militarize gentrification which indicates they would take over with no regards for the people who are there. New York city did not do enough to help the people. They were only concern about their own profit and gains. It is important because a lot of people suffer because of their inability to give people the proper assistance they needed. They are throwing people under the bus for their own personal gain. They don't care who is hurt as long as they can profit from it.