Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Blog 5 revising based on blog 4 comments

I don't believe New York's response to Hurricane Sandy was adequate because the storm appeared October 22 and they didn't begin with emergency plans until the 28th leaving people homeless. While they were trying to fix the city by making repairs such clearing up the streets, fixing train paths and rebuilding government facilities to ensure they will continue to gain and make profits, people were left wondering when will we get the assistance we need. We can relate this to the Shock Doctrine's "Blanking The Beach" where Naomi Klein focuses on the disasters people faced during a tsunami in 2005. We learn that militarized gentrification played a big role in the people's experiences. When I say militarized gentrification I mean leaders and government officials  ability to take over with no regards for the people who are their. They will not give a thought to other people's needs other than their own. The leaders of Sri Lanka accused "their elected representatives of abandonment, corruption and spending aid money meant for fishing people on dowries for their daughters and jewelry for their wives"(Klein 68). In other words instead of using aid money to help people in need, they would take that money and spend it on themselves and their families. A lot of people suffered because they were not on the list of importance. As long as the things that keep money flowing in their pockets were ok, they could care less. What they don't realize is the people they are refusing to give the proper assistance to are the same people who keeps the city in business. You could fix a million places and build new sites without the people they tend to throw under the rug, they will not gain or make much profit at all.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Explaination of a graph.

In this blog I would be explaining a graph and given my personal opinion about it. First, I will tell you what the graph represents. The graph shows the amount of anti-Islamic hate crime incidents between 1995-2008. The rate of crime incidents ranged from 21-32 between 1995-2000. The rate however skyrocketed to 481 in 2001. In 2002 he rate went back down to 155 from there it started a trend of going up and down. For example in 2003 it was down at 149 by 2004 it went back up to 156 and than the following year it goes down again and than back up. We can relate this to Zeitoun where this chart points out race. Why couldn't it just be hate crime incidents among all race, not anti-Islamic or black, Hispanic. Zeitoun was a Muslim man detained suspected of being a terrorist. They thought he was working with AL Quaeda. He was mistreated for being himself basically. I don't believe for a second a white man would have been treated in such manner. It goes to show that you have to be careful being in your own skin because you can be accused of doing things you probably wouldn't even think of because you are different. 

Monday, May 12, 2014

Military neglect

I believe Zeitoun was facing a case of military neglect. When I say military neglect I mean his rights and plea for help was being disregarded. As he is searching for help to assist an elderly woman stuck in her house he noticed an fan boat of military officials. He waving and calling for help but they ignored him. One example is when Zeitoun is when the officer took his ID and gave it back to without looking and he is pushed towards the door. An officer yells, "get in the boat"(206). They were being yelled at to enter the boat without any knowledge of what was going on. I believe they had the right to know why they were being detained and thy shouldn't have treated them the way they did. We can also see the idea of military neglect occurring in another important moment in the text. They are trying to figure out who these people are and thought the situation would be explained once they got to their destination but they stopped and turned of the engine of the boat. Zeitoun  tackled and thrown to the ground still wondering what was happening. They pushed his face into dirty soaked grass while an officer knee was tight on his back and their hands on his knees. They were all yelling at him  and cursing him "Don't move asshole"(208). He was unable to move a muscle.

Monday, May 5, 2014

What I think of Zeitoun

I believe Zeitoun was selfish when it came to his family. While his Wife was trying to get him to leave the area, he refused putting his family last. In the book "Zeitoun" Edggers talk about Zeitoun's and his families experiences during hurricane Katrina. Zeitoun is a stubborn man who disregard what his wife was telling him by saying "this is not the storm for us"(Eggers 22). In other words he was saying the storm is not coming their way and nothing is going to happen. I think he should have left despite what he thought would or wouldn't happen for his wife and kids sake.